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UQ Robotics!

Welcome to ELEC 3004/7312 -- Digital Linear Systems: Signals & Control!


This course teaches the fundamentals of linear systems theory for continuous and discrete signal analysis and feedback control. 
Additional information can be found on the Courses & Programs listing and in the Course Profile for (ELEC 3004 Semester 1 - 2016)
and (ELEC 7312 Semester 1 - 2016).


An open, online assignment submission system supporting peer assessment that randomizes on a per-question, as compared to a per assignment, basis. (concept sketch
Some tips and principles for good peer feedback are given in "Introduction to Peer Review" (Tutorial Wk. 2).

Q & A + Class Forum: Piazza

A ranked Q&A forum has been established as an open questions, news, and other matters on Piazza
To start you will need to register to the ELEC3004 Piazza please.
To make it easier to find threads, we kindly ask that posts use [subject line] [tags].

Note that: UQ only materials and course grades are on UQ e-Learning(Please log-in for full course materials and details)


The class has three problem sets or assignments worth 60% in total (or 20% each).  They will nominally go out about two weeks before they are due and are designed to take about a week to complete.  They are to be submitted via Platypus.

  1. Problem Set 1: An Introduction to Signals and Systems (20%)
  2. Problem Set 2: Sampling and Filters (Digital & Analog)  (20 %)
  3. Problem Set 3: Digital Feedback Control  (20 %)

Final Examination:

The final exam is worth 40% total.  It is managed by the UQ Central Examinations Office. It is scheduled on Saturday, June 18 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm  and will be held in the (room emailed to you from UQ Central Exams -- (e.g., Heath Room)).  The exam consists of three sections (Digital Systems, Signal Processing, and Digital Control) with short answers questions and problems.  It comes with an equation sheet (see practice exam).  Students are additionally permitted a doubled-sided A4 equation sheet of their own design.  For format and style, please see: the 2015 final exam, the 2014 final exam, the 2013 final exam, or the practice exam.

Schedule & Locations: 



B. P. Lathi, Signal processing and linear systems, 1998
Call Number: TK5102.9.L38 1998

G. Franklin, J. Powell, M. Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 1990
Call Number:  TJ216.F72 1990 and [UQ Ebook]
[Matlab Codes]

João Hespanha, Linear Systems Theory, 2009
Call Number: [UQ ebrary] and [UQ Ebook]

Contact Information:

Please refer comments & questions to:

© 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016  Robotics Design Lab / School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at The University of Queensland
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License (BY-NC-SA)