It is absolutely essential that students have completed and mastered ELEC2004. It is essential that students have completed STAT 2202 and MATH2000. Also essential is a complete understanding of linear algebra and familiarity with programming in MATLAB. Additionally, students are expected to be familiar with basic C/C++ programming concepts, particularly for the practical sections.
Welcome to Systems: Signals and Controls.
This course covers the fundamental theory and practice of linear system analysis. The course deals with systems in their general sense, their inputs, their outputs, and the mathematical models that describe their behaviour. It generalizes the continuous-time circuits (and systems) seen in ELEC 2004 and introduces discrete-time representations. It is more than just a "discrete-time" version of ELEC 2004. The discussion of these topics is motivated by the domains of signal processing and linear feedback control.
Some of the topics touched by the class include: Linear algebra, a mathematical perspective on signals (singularity functions, complex exponentials and geometrics), system properties (linearity, time-invariance, memory, causality, stability), Fourier representations, Laplace and Z transforms, sampling & reconstruction, A/D and D/A converters, DFT/FFT, stochastic processes, filters, representations of linear, time-invariant systems (difference and differential equations, block diagrams, system functions, poles and zeros, convolution, impulse and step responses, frequency responses). the effects of feedback, and an introduction to discrete digital control. Applications are drawn broadly from engineering, including feedback and control, signal processing and computer science (e.g. computer vision, computer graphics and robotics).
This class is special. It is about seeing a system and a signal for what it is -- information in motion.
The course has fewer assessments and clearer demarcation of topic boundries. While the course has its share of new IT systems, they are more refined versions. The class has a new domain for easier access --
ELEC3004 Chief of Staff: Head tutor and Laboratory Director
Please check the class website for details and updates as it is the definitive source for all matters.
This course is (Digital) Linear Systems. It covers the modelling, analysis, and design of Linear Systems with an emphasis on their digital implementations. It covers linear algebra, a mathematical perspective on signals (singularity functions, complex exponentials and geometrics), system properties (linearity, time-invariance, memory, causality, stability), Fourier representations, Laplace and Z transforms, sampling & reconstruction, A/D and D/A converters, DFT/FFT, stochastic processes, filters, representations of linear, time-invariant systems (difference and differential equations, block diagrams, system functions, poles and zeros, convolution, impulse and step responses, frequency responses), the effects of feedback, and an introduction to discrete-time (and continuous-time) control. This course complements the highly-recommended continuous controls course, METR4201.
A1. A comprehensive and well-founded knowledge in the field of study. | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 |
A4. An understanding of how other disciplines relate to the field of study. | 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 |
A5. An international perspective on the field of study. | 11, 12 |
B1. The ability to collect, analyse and organise information and ideas and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms. | 1, 2, 5, 12 |
B2. The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome. | 2, 9, 12 |
B3. The ability to select and use the appropriate level, style and means of communication. | 10 |
B4. The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies. | 9 |
C1. The ability to work and learn independently. | 5, 6, 9, 10 |
C3. The ability to generate ideas and adapt innovatively to changing environments. | 1, 9, 10, 11 |
C4. The ability to identify problems, create solutions, innovate and improve current practices. | 8, 9, 10 |
D1. The ability to define and analyse problems. | 1, 4, 5, 10 |
D2. The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement. | 1, 10 |
D3. The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions. | 10 |
E1. An understanding of social and civic responsibility. | 11 |
E2. An appreciation of the philosophical and social contexts of a discipline. | 11 |
E4. A knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to a major area of study. | |
E5. A knowledge of other cultures and times and an appreciation of cultural diversity. |
G. Franklin, J. Powell, M. Workman, Digital Control of Dynamic Systems, 1990 |
J. Hespanha, Linear Systems Theory, 2009 (EBook) |
H. Hsu, Schaum's Outline of Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition, 2011 |
Access to required and recommended resources, plus past central exam papers, is available at the UQ Library website (
The University offers a range of resources and services to support student learning. Details are available on the myServices website (
Most ITEE courses have Blackboard sites which can be found at
Course materials maybe found at
Lectures: There will be two lectures each week. Lectures will be used for presentation of course material, discussions and demonstrated solutions to problems with active student participation encouraged.
Tutorials and Workshops : Students should attend their assigned tutorial and workshop. They run on odd weeks (and do not run on week 1). Additional infomation for them will be distributed in class. Active student participation is encouraged.
Practicals: There are some two hour practicals scheduled. They run on even weeks. When doing the laboratories it is suggested that students keep a workbook. This is a good introduction to professional practice. Many people working in industry or research keep workbooks. Indeed, many employers insist that workbooks be maintained. These fully document the thoughts and steps behind any experiments or development. It is common commercial practice that each page of a workbook is signed and dated at the end of each day and often that this is witnessed by some independent person. Some organisations require that workbooks be kept in a fire-proof safe each night. The workbooks are legal documents which can be used, for example, to support patent claims.
Attendance: You are not required to attend any of the teaching
sessions (except those in which an assessment activity (which may
include a pop quiz) is taking place), however, you are strongly encouraged to attend and benefit .
The lectures, tutorials and practicals have been specifically designed
to aid your learning of the course material. Failure to attend a session
may result in you being disadvantaged. It is up to you to find out what
happened at any class session that you miss.
Should you miss a tutorial or prac, you may be able to attend an
alternative session if there is space and at the discretion of the head
tutor for that session. You should be prepared to provide
documentary evidence of extenuating circumstances (e.g., a medical
certificate). The capacity of the laboratories and the tutorial room is
quite limited, so the possibility of attending a session other than your
regularly scheduled session is quite low. Preference will be given to
those students who have a legitimate excuse for missing a session.
A Grade of 1 will be awarded for an overall mark below 20%.
A Grade of 2 will be awarded for an overall mark below 45% but greater than or equal to 20%.
A Grade of 3 will be awarded for an overall mark below 50% but greater than or equal to 45%.
A Grade of 4 will be awarded if there is both:
(1) an overall mark of 50% or greater AND
(2) a mark of greater than or equal to 45% on the final examination
A Grade of 5 will be awarded if there is both:
(1) an overall mark of 65% or greater AND
(2) a mark of greater than or equal to 45% on the final examination AND
(3) a mark of greater than or equal to 65% on the online quiz AND
(4) a genuine and earnest attempt at Problem Set 0 AND
(5) a genuine and earnest attempt at Peer Review for at least 1 Problem Set.
A Grade of 6 will be awarded if there is both:
(1) an overall mark of 75% or greater AND
(2) a mark of greater than or equal to 50% on the final examination AND
(3) a mark of greater than or equal to 65% on the online quiz AND
(4) a genuine and earnest attempt at Problem Set 0 AND
(5) a genuine and earnest attempt at Peer Review for at least 2 Problem Sets.
A Grade of 7 will be awarded if there is both:
(1) an overall mark of 85% or greater AND
(2) a mark of greater than or equal to 60% on the final examination AND
(3) a mark of greater than 65% on the online quiz AND
(4) a genuine and earnest attempt at Problem Set 0 AND
(5) a genuine and earnest attempt at Peer Review during all 3 Problem Sets.
No extensions will be granted except in exceptional personal circumstances (documented medical reason or family emergency). Personal hardware or computer failures are not grounds for extension.
All requests for extension must be submitted on the UQ Application for Extension of Progressive Assessment form (
In cases where an extension is approved, the course coordinator exercises the discretion to modify the nature of the assessment item where it is not practicable to repeat the original assessment item (i.e. if a student is unable to sit a deferred midsemester exam, an oral examination may be conducted).
Exercises on Systems, Signals and Controls (in general), with an emphasis on LINEAR Systems
May include material (including experimental results) from Lab 1 (Week 3).
Please submit via the class-website (details to be given in class). No hand-written solutions. No scanned copies of hand-written solutions.
Due by 23:59 AEST sharp!
Specific details will be provided on the course website.
Students are asked to earnestly work on this assignment.
The grading may involve peer assessment in which case the median score will be used.
The total grade will be turned into a percentage.
Exercises on Systems, Signals and Controls (in general), with an emphasis on Signals/Filters.
May include material (including experimental results) from Lab 1 or 2.
Please submit via the class-website (details to be given in class). No hand-written solutions. No scanned copies of hand-written solutions.
Due by 23:59 AEST sharp!
Specific details will be provided on the course website.
Students are asked to earnestly work on this assignment.
The grading may involve peer assessment in which case the median score will be used.
The total grade will be turned into a percentage.
This is an online (multiple choice/short answer) Quiz. It is intended as a formative exercise for the class.
It is designed to provide an opportunity to review the concepts and to see "where you are in the class."
It may be a combination of multiple choice and short answer questions. It may have questions whose values/questions that vary.
The score on the first attempt is worth up to 5 percentage points of extra credit toward an assignment (i.e., where assignments are graded out of 100). This extra credit will be added to the assignment with the lowest grade (and, in particular, not the entire class grade).
If one gets a score less than 70%, they may retake the quiz; however, any subsequent attempts taken will not earn additional extra credit.
Specific details will be provided on the course website.
Exercises on Systems, Signals and Controls (in general), with an emphasis on Controls
May include material (including experimental results) from Labs 1-4.
Please submit via the class-website (details to be given in class). No hand-written solutions. No scanned copies of the hand-written soltuions.
Due by 23:59 AEST sharp!
Specific details will be provided on the course website.
Students are asked to earnestly work on this assignment.
The grading may involve peer assessment in which case the median score will be used.
The total grade will be turned into a percentage.
A three-hour final examination will be held during the final examination period.
You may bring one (1) two-sided A4 sheet of handwritten (not typed) formulae into the examination room.
A sheet that does not meet these requirements will NOT be
permitted. At the end of the exam, you will be required to submit
this sheet.
Calculators must be UQ approved (and labelled if not Casio fx-82).
exam will be closed-book and will contain both short-answer and problem
solving (calculation) questions. The examination will test
understanding of the various theoretical, computational and design
techniques covered throughout the course. Marks for all questions will
be as specified.
See item 5.2 for mimimum grade award conditions
An overview of the University's assessment-related procedures can be found on my.UQ. (
Academic Integrity
It is the University's task to encourage ethical scholarship and
to inform students and staff about the institutional standards of
academic behaviour expected of them in learning, teaching and research.
Students have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards of
academic integrity in their work. Students must not cheat in
examinations or other forms of assessment and must ensure they do not
The University has adopted the following definition of plagiarism:
Plagiarism is the act of misrepresenting as one's own original work the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of another. These include published and unpublished documents, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, computer codes and ideas gained through working in a group. These ideas, interpretations, words or works may be found in print and/or electronic media.
Students are encouraged to read the UQ Student Integrity and Misconduct policy ( which makes a comprehensive statement about the University's approach to plagiarism, including the approved use of plagiarism detection software, the consequences of plagiarism and the principles associated with preventing plagiarism.
Applications for Extensions
Feedback on Assessment
There are certain steps you can take if you feel your result does
not reflect your performance. Please refer to the my.UQ web site. (
As a student you have a responsibility to incorporate feedback into your learning; make use of the assessment criteria that you are given; be aware of the rules, policies and other documents related to assessment; and provide teachers with feedback on their assessment practices.
There are certain steps you can take if you feel your result does not reflect your performance. Please refer to the myAdvisor web site. (
Feedback on this couse is welcome at anytime and is encouraged. Please forward to the course coordinator who may action on it and modify class operation at any time as deemed necessary.
Other School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering Assessment Guidelines
Feedback in this Course
Feedback on any aspects of the course can be emailed to the course coordinator.
Further to the statement on academic integrity and plagiarism above, students are required to read and understand the ITEE policy on Student Misconduct (
Examination Conduct
Examinations will be conducted in accordance with section 1A Division 2 of the University’s General Award Rules (
Non-attendance at Examinations
If you miss a mid-semester or final examination due to exceptional circumstances, you may be entitled to a deferred examination. For information on deferred examinations, refer to myAdvisor
Examination Feedback
Students wishing to view examination answer scripts and/or question papers should consult with the School office (Room 425, General Purpose South Building [78], St Lucia) regarding arrangements. The ITEE policy on exam script viewing is available at
Supplementary Assessment
If you fail this course you may be eligible for supplementary assessment - see the general award rules and/or
your program rules for details. You should note that even though you
may be eligible for supplementary assessment under these rules, in some
circumstances there may be no practical assessment that can be offered
to allow you to meet the minimum passing requirements. These
circumstances may include failure based on:
· group or team based assessment;
· attendance or class participation requirements;
· laboratory-based assessment, where laboratories can't practically be made available after classes have finished;
· project or thesis-based assessment, where a significant period of time would be required to undertake supplementary assessment;
· progressive assessment, where subsequent assessment items build on earlier assessment items; or
· multiple assessment items, where it is impractical to offer multiple supplementary assessment items.
If the course coordinator determines that there is no practical supplementary assessment that can be offered to allow you to improve your grade, then you will not be offered supplementary assessment and your grade will remain unchanged.Workplace (Occupational) Health & Safety (WH&S; OH&S) in ITEE
The School of ITEE takes its obligations to WH&S very seriously.
WH&S is everybody’s responsibility, both the School’s and the
students’. The School has worked to ensure that WH&S processes are
effective and that assessments are kept up to date. Students must take
the time to familiarise themselves with these procedures and
Before entering any ITEE lab, students must read the student edition of ‘OH&S in the Laboratory’
and complete the Safety Declaration Form to be found there. In
addition, students must complete the ‘Student OH&S Induction’
on Blackboard (under "My Courses").
Other relevant information on WH&S in the School is to be found at the School's WH&S website including links from that page to the Risk Assessment Register and Electrical Safety.
Students, please ensure, by reading the information just referenced and
completing the OH&S Induction and Safety Declaration Form as
appropriate, that you are an active participant in a safe learning
Medical Conditions that may affect safety
Persons suffering from any condition likely to compromise their own safety or the safety of others whilst in an Engineering Lab (such as colour blindness, epilepsy etc) must inform the school before access to labs is sought.
Ethical Clearance
If your course involves assignment or project work involving human subjects or human-related materials, you must investigate the need for ethical clearance and obtain it when required. Information on ethical clearance can be found at
If you have a grievance about this course you should, in the first instance, contact the course coordinator. If a satisfactory reply is not received, please contact the ITEE Director of Coursework Studies, A/Prof Stephen Viller.In the event of a major emergency (e.g., hospitalization), where, at the discretion of the course coordinator it is not possible to conduct deffered assessment, it may be possible to request a "bye" on an assessment, in which the piece of assessment is not counted in the course grade (i.e., the final average is computed without the item). Please see the Course Coordinator as expeditiously as possible after the emergency. Supplementary assessment is limited to the final exam only.
Below is a table showing the relationship between the learning objectives for this course and the broader graduate attributes developed, the learning activities used to develop each objective and the assessment task used to assess each objective.
Learning Objectives | ||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
Learning Activities | ||||||||||||
Course Lectures (Lecture Series) | ||||||||||||
Laboratory Sessions (Practical) | ||||||||||||
Tutorial Sessions (Tutorial) | ||||||||||||
Assessment Tasks | ||||||||||||
Problem Set 1 | ||||||||||||
Problem Set 2 | ||||||||||||
Online Quiz | ||||||||||||
Problem Set 3 | ||||||||||||
Final Examination |
Learning Objectives | ||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
Graduate Attributes | ||||||||||||
A1. A comprehensive and well-founded knowledge in the field of study. | ||||||||||||
A4. An understanding of how other disciplines relate to the field of study. | ||||||||||||
A5. An international perspective on the field of study. | ||||||||||||
B1. The ability to collect, analyse and organise information and ideas and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, in both written and spoken forms. | ||||||||||||
B2. The ability to interact effectively with others in order to work towards a common outcome. | ||||||||||||
B3. The ability to select and use the appropriate level, style and means of communication. | ||||||||||||
B4. The ability to engage effectively and appropriately with information and communication technologies. | ||||||||||||
C1. The ability to work and learn independently. | ||||||||||||
C3. The ability to generate ideas and adapt innovatively to changing environments. | ||||||||||||
C4. The ability to identify problems, create solutions, innovate and improve current practices. | ||||||||||||
D1. The ability to define and analyse problems. | ||||||||||||
D2. The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues through independent thought and informed judgement. | ||||||||||||
D3. The ability to evaluate opinions, make decisions and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions. | ||||||||||||
E1. An understanding of social and civic responsibility. | ||||||||||||
E2. An appreciation of the philosophical and social contexts of a discipline. | ||||||||||||
E4. A knowledge and respect of ethics and ethical standards in relation to a major area of study. | ||||||||||||
E5. A knowledge of other cultures and times and an appreciation of cultural diversity. |
feedback |
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